Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Negotiation and Leadership Essay

The negotiation is a process where two parts make a deal to satisfy the interests or needs of each other. We are going to analyze how and when to negotiate. To guide ourselves with this topic, we are going to use the method of Harvard that consists in seven steps. Harvard method: 1) Interests 2) Alternatives 3) Options 4) Legitimacy 5) Communication 6) Relationship 7) Compromise We are going to analyze the seven steps and also we are going to show the importance of generating confidence space with the locator, understand other points of view, look for points in common and why the negotiation benefits both sides, we are also going to see examples of the characteristics of the personality of the negotiator. After we evaluate all this, we are going to see the importance of a leader to be able to negotiate. Development: We human beings unconsciously and consciously negotiate every day, an example of unconsciously if you are walking to a building and someone else is walking next to you, we unconsciously react depending on the situation to make the decision of who walks in first. As mentioned before the negotiation is to make a deal between each other to satisfy our interests, that’s why we can say that the negotiation rises when we or other want to satisfy needs. The method of Harvard consists in seven basic steps that leads you to affront situations during a negotiation with the objective of reaching a win win situation, we can say that this is the best style of negotiation because both parts are happy and if the compromises are completed, the relationship between each other is very good and this helps you to increase your image. The seven Harvard steps 1) Interests: this step means that you must know your needs and how to satisfy them, in a negotiation it is very important to know or find out the interests of the other part, this can be done by having an effective communication (open questions). In the Harvard method, they use the Maslow Theory about need, that consists in five steps of necessities; the first step is Physiologic, the second its Security, the third its Social, the fourth is Esteem, and the last Self Actualization. 2) Alternatives: This is very important because when you identify your needs to satisfy the first thing you have to do is to consider all the different options that you have to satisfy them. Example: if your need is to find shoes to walk comfortably, your alternative would be to go to a lot of shoe shops to decide which one is better. The meaning of this step in the negotiation is the opportunity costs that are the things you leave behind to do your negotiation. Here also we have the M.A.A.N: (Mejor Alternativa a un Acuerdo Negociado) (The Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) When a negotiator has worked on his alternatives and those of his counterpart, he has identified the M.A.A.N of both and has done that his better alternative will be possible, that will be the moment that it will be in better conditions to negotiate. This is because it will have the Intention very clear in the negotiation, but in addition, because it will know really what to do if it does not reach an agreement. The level of the best of our alternatives satisfies our interests, will help us to determine when an agreement can or not be accepted. Definitively, the MAAN will be an effective guide to know if it convenes for us or not. On the contrary, if it was a question our MAAN as a poor option with relation, it doesn’t have sense accept it. Is there all the power of the negotiation. 3) Options: when you realize which was the shoe shop that satisfy your needs, this shoe shop will be your option, when you realize this you must go and establish a conversation, the idea of this is to generate better options to negotiate. You can also add to your option ideas of other alternatives that you have seen and you realize that can make your objectives better. Example: in one shoe shop they give you a pair of socks but I didn’t like the shoes, I went to a different shop and I liked the shoes so I asked the men if he could give me a pair of socks for free, this example is about generating more options inside your best Alternative (your option) The number of alternatives and options don’t create by themselves, it is very important to say that this are generated by your motivation and actions, if you don’t have a good motivation your number of alternatives and options will be very low, with this conformism you don’t maximize the possibilities of increasing your goals. After we talk about these steps, it is important to mention that by using them we are going to increase the benefits of the negotiation. 4) Legitimacy: The importance of this point is to accept or recognize the value of the issue at hand. The way of doing this is through the Judgment: the judgment consists on a feeling of being treated fairly in a negotiation. Often an interest in legitimacy and feeling fairly treated is the main driver in a dispute. However, parties with differing views on what is fair may fail to realize that beneath their conflicting positions is the same underlying interest. A few judgments that you can make at the time you buy a car are: -Price in the market – Review the car with a mechanic – Review a forum. 5) Communication: The form that is in use for reporting has a critical impact in the result of the negotiation, specially when both parts are not known † the benefit can be very much major for both when it is negotiated face to face because only of this form it is possible to share vital information. If the volume of the transactions to realizing is important, it is worth a sorrow being going to know personally the person with whom then we will have to negotiate for telephone or e-mail. We have verified that if both parts have jointly a personal positive, at the time knowledge the method of communication (telephone, e-mail, etc.) it must have importance for the good result. If the negotiators, on the contrary do not know them selves or are strange the way turns into critic and marks the difference. The confidence and the contribution establish much easier when the parts are known, which would be impossible to do for telephone or e-mail between strangers. If the contrapart don’t want to tell you what are their interest, a good way to discovered is Open Questions, the main idea of the open questions is to get information, this are not yes or no answers, the purpose of this is get the most information you can have. 6) Relationship: The most important negotiations are done by the persons or institutions with which we have negotiated before and we will negotiate again. For a good relation you must not mix problems of personal relation with essential problems of the negotiation. With a good communication, and confidence, the relationship will stay in time; and also will be able to do more negotiation in the future. 7) Commitments: The commitments are verbal or written expositions that specify what a part will do or do. We might be calling them the † draft of the contract â€Å". They can be done in the course of a negotiation. In general, an agreement will be better in the measure in which the promises have had: exposition, structure and they have been designed in order that they turn into lasting agreements, of easy comprehension and verifiable. The idea of the commitments is also being clear whit problems that could happens in future, for example if I made a deal with a japanes, in which I export Fruit to Japan; we must be clear in situations like bad time that could close the marine, so the fruits will no be able to get out of Chile, the idea of this when me made de commitments we must be clear who is going to be responsible for this, who is going to pay that fruit, or pay to get freezer to main the fruit. Negotiate by position, is not good, because the men in position don’t want to give up their expectative. Two examples of Negotiate by position are: – Hard Ones: they a are rude, strict, they don’t have good communication, don’t respect the other, he is only interested on complete their goal, he will never change her price; so we can said; he don’t care having a good negotiation. – Soft Ones: They don’t respect they self’s, they usually change the price to continues in the negotiation, the problem in this position is that the men in this position and de other part in the negotiation, don’t respect de soft man. The importance of negotiation in leadership First of all we agree with this statement and believe that only a very authoritarian leadership works without negotiation. To explain this very important issue we are going to compare two fundamental definitions, in this case â€Å"negotiation† and â€Å"leadership†. â€Å"Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding, etc.† Wikipedia â€Å"Leadership is organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal.† Wikipedia As you can notice both of the definitions have the same aim, which is to reach an agreement between people. This leaves clear that negotiation is essential for a good leadership. You can not be a leader without being a negotiator. As we learned in class, there are three different types of leaders (authoritharian, democratic and liberal). The last two are considered to be the best because they leave place to work on your own and most importantly to discuss. And that offers a place of confidence between the leader and the followers. That confidence is generated by the negotiations that take place and make both parties reach their common interests. Our second and fundamental hypothesis, besides the definitions, is that leadership and negotiation take place everywhere and at any time in our lives. For example there are different types of temperaments in our society, sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. In a job selection it is not possible to hire a perfect combination of these temperaments, so you have to negotiate your flaws and pros so both of you can reach the common goal. Another example is a situation in a team-work session, where we know that everyone is supposed to help to reach an objective. If the leader is not able to handle the different types of personalities the project is most likely to fail. And in this process he has to negotiate several terms with the different parts of the team. As you can see none of the two areas are more important than the other, they are intertwined. It is necessary to have negotiation skills as a leader, because without them you cannot lead properly. Both of them have the exact same objective, which is to reach a common goal. And negotiation as leadership take place in our daily live just we don’t often notice it. Conclusion: The negotiation is a very important aspect in ours lives, knowing the best way to do it is a great opportunity to increase our leader and personals abilities. In the future this will us to increase our utilities in a negotiation, in ours job, live, and others. Being a responsible man the opportunities of have more successful negotiations. In this work demonstrate the importance of negotiation in a leader.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“Blue Remembered Hills” by Dennis Potter Comparison

In this essay I am going to compare my play with two comparatives. The play I performed was a scripted piece called â€Å"Blue Remembered Hills† by Dennis Potter, written in . The other two texts are, â€Å"My Mother said I never should†, by Charlotte Keatley, written in , and â€Å"Blood Brothers† by Willy Russell, written in . My performance was set in 1943, in the West Country, â€Å"in the long summer holiday†. Naturalistic theatre was used, however, although it was about the events of seven children, adults play them all. War, bullying, abuse, aggression and murder are explored within the play. It was aimed at adults, as the issues it broached were in addressed in great depth, and because it was shown through the naivety of children, children would not understand. The play has historical and political context, and the political affairs of the time dictate the dialogue. The period in which it was set is reflected by the constant references to the War and â€Å"the Japs†. The circumstances of the children, as well as historical background can be seen throughout. For example, when ‘Donald' says: â€Å"I be tired out and all, working on those saw mills. I cut me thumb off an all†. â€Å"My Mother said I never should† is about four ‘ordinary' mothers/daughters and is about the social changes of the twentieth century, spanned over four different era's. It is set in a variety of places according to what best represents the era. It is also naturalistic, relating to my performance. It also incorporates the idea of children dealing with adult issues but not understanding, for instance: Rosie Mum's got the curse. (Pause) Maybe we did it! Doris (Pause) What curse? Rosie The curse. Doris Oh. Yes†¦ How d'you know she's got it? Rosie You can tell. Doris How? Rosie Just can. Mum's been cross with me all morning. It's also aimed at adults; adults play children in the production because they also need to play adults in the production as well as children. In this way it was similar to â€Å"Blue Remembered Hills†. â€Å"Blood Brothers† was aimed at a broad audience, adults and children of all classes. It is also naturalistic, but also uses forms such as, narration and song. This detracts from reality but makes it more interesting. And adults play the children featured in the play yet again, linking the three pieces of theatre. It is set in the 50's and 60's, in the city for the first act and the country for the second, so it is of a similar era to the other two pieces. In â€Å"Blue Remembered Hills†, there is no indication what class the children are from, but they are expected to be working class, and perhaps Angela may be slightly wealthier than the others. Similar to this is â€Å"My Mother said I never should† as they are middle/working class too. However, in â€Å"Blood Brothers† the two main characters Mickey and Edward are from two contrasting classes: upper class, and lower class. There is direct conflict between them, though they are naive due to their age yet again, for example, Edward is referred to as â€Å"a friggin' poshy†. It addresses issues such as prejudice, class, money, status, superstition and violence. All three pieces are similar, using adults to play children especially, this is an interesting approach, and allows the playwright to broach more serious issues and adapt them for families or adults. This may detract from reality but naturalistic movements were used, mimicking children helped present the serious issues further.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 123

Essay Example the real account of plague to set a scene for seven ladies between the ages of eighteen and twenty eight and men over the ages of twenty five to unite away from Florence to lead their remaining lives in pleasure and happiness. Florence suffered through plague that killed the dwellers of the place at a tragic extent. The epidemic not only brought inevitable death to people, but also took away the emotional and social relationships from the people. They did not hold anyone dear to them whether he or she was related to them in any sense. Boccaccio writes, â€Å"This disaster had struck such fear into the hearts of men and women that brother abandoned brother, uncle abandoned nephew, sister left brother, and very often wife abandoned husband, and -- even worse, almost unbelievable -- fathers and mothers neglected to tend and care for their children, as if they were not their own.† (Bondanella and Musa 68) Inevitability of death became clear to everyone and people started living their lives as per their will and wish. All people were affected because of epidemic whether they were old or young, rich or poor, master or slave. People were not worried about their properties and possessions. Some shut them inside their houses, some started to live as vagrants, some indulged in all kinds of legal and illegal pleasures while many others left Florence in order to hide from death. Boccaccio was able to put forward his fictional accounts while taking support of real time situation that hit many cities. It was plague that allowed people to enjoy liberty and free will and without such setting, the living of noble young ladies and men with each other without social bounds was unimaginable. 2-Summarize the story of Saladin, Melchisedec, and the 3 Rings. What is Boccaccio’s overall message to his audience? Why is it significant that the main characters are a Muslim and a Jew and that Boccaccio’s Italian readers were almost entirely Christian? Don’t forget to summarize the 3

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Community policing has been introduced to combat crime and to build a Essay

Community policing has been introduced to combat crime and to build a bridge between police and the public. Critically discuss the effectiveness of this model of policing in achieving these aims - Essay Example olitan Police believes, â€Å"One of the key principles of modern policing in Britain is that the police seek to work with the community and as part of the community† (web). As a strategy, community policing combats crime by creating a mutual relationship between the police force and the public (Kennedy, et al., 1990). Community policing promotes good relationship between public and police enabling them to report criminal acts to the police. This has resulted to decrease in crime rate in Britain. On the other hand, the police force can obtain important and crucial information from the public. Sir Robert Peel confirms that cooperation between the police and public determines the proportion of force that police require to combat crime (Nazemi, 2009). So far, community policing has made it possible for the British police to use less brutal force in combatting crime, at least in the residential areas. Although community policing has been effective in some areas, it has also failed to some extent due to failure of the community to cooperate. The public have always sympathized with the criminals especially when the criminals are family members. This reduces effectiveness of community policing (Farrington, 1994). The public has always seen the police as a public enemy and therefore declined to volunteer any helpful information in fear of victimization thereby reducing effectiveness of community policing (McKnight, 1995). Additionally, witnessing in murder and crime scene cases is quite hectic and involving. Sometimes these cases take years to solve. Criminals might threaten the public into witnessing against them. This makes the public to shy away from assisting the police in their efforts to do community policing hence compromising effectiveness of community policing. By closing the gap between the public and the police force community policing has enabled criminal to learn tactics applied by the police and this has resulted in an increase in crime (Clifford, 1998). In

The Use of Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Essay

The Use of Evidence Based Practice in Nursing - Essay Example In nursing, evidence-based practice calls for the re-evaluation of research for the purpose of improving inadequate practice. In clinical settings, the use of evidence based practice takes into account factor such as the consideration of the need for change, where the research question’s formulation is based on the shortfalls of current health practices (McGonigal & Mastrian, 2011). The use of evidence based practice also takes into account the best existing evidence, understanding it, and integrating it after making the necessary improvement. Models for implementing evidence based practice in clinical settings Some models for implementing evidence based practice in clinical settings include the Ottawa model of research use, the Stetler model, and the IOWA model of evidence-based practice. The Ottawa Model of Evidence Based Research in Nursing The Ottawa Model of Research Use (OMRU) was first created as an interactive model (Kirchhoff, 2004). The Ottawa Model of Research Use is quite effective in practice contexts and holds that research is a dynamic process that involves interconnected actions as well as decisions being made by different people in relation to each of the theory’s elements. The Ottawa Model of Research has undergone different evaluations, with the most recent including factors such as evidence based innovation, the practice environment, potential adopters, the adoption of innovators, the implementation of interventions, and the results of the execution of innovations. The Stetler-Model The Stetler Model of Research Utilisation is a model that is practice-oriented, and is used mainly as a conceptual and procedural guide for the execution of research outcomes in practice. The theory’s first part consists of the five stages of research utilisation (Stetler, 2003). The theory’s second part has to do with clarifying the existing data as well as options for each stage. The Iowa Model of Research is basically used to enhance the general quality of healthcare, and is a creation of the Quality Assurance Model Using Research (Stetler, 2003). Research utilisation is perceived to be an organisational procedure through which different factors are used to unite the practical implementation of research theories. The IOWA Model The Iowa Model can be used for the purposes of implementing quality healthcare as it provides a framework for medical practitioners to make decisions about the daily practices that impact patient care outcomes (Larrabee, 2009). The Iowa Model encourages health practitioners to generate practice questions, whether as a means to solve an existing concern, or simply to acquire new knowledge. These three models allow for medical practitioners to be able to share important data with others within as well as without a medical organisation; thereby increasing nu rsing knowledge and encouraging other medical organisations to take on evidence based practices. Three information technology applications in quality management Three information technology applications that are very important in quality management processes in healthcare sectors include electronic health records, bar coding, and the use of the clinical decision support system. Electronic health records were first created to serve as a type of electronically based file cabinet holding various types of information about a medical facility’s patients. Its continued improvement meant that it would further benefit by integrating text, handwritten

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management Accounting - Essay Example Well whatever the reason is, it is surely time that we sit down, assess and analyse the system as a whole and try coming out with both, a reason and a solution for all this happening. Arguably the main reason of reaching such a unpleasant situation is that, major stakeholders, whether it’s the big companies or the government, they have mainly focussed on short term achievement and plans rather than analysing, assessing and planning for longer term success. Hence before we consider entering in a developing country for investment purposes I would like to reflect some light on different aspect of sustainability reporting, the differences between sustainability reporting and traditional reporting and the benefits of sustainability reporting. Introduction A sustainability report mainly focuses, in fact constitutes, three elements or dimension, namely, social, economic and environmental. Due to this fact is often known as triple bottom line or 3BL. Some even regards is as a planet, profit, people principle. While discussing this aspect, sustainability reporting is often substituted for environmental social and governance reporting and corporate social responsibility as the whole idea is almost the same. The framework of sustainability is set up by GRI (Global Reporting initiative), a non-profit organisation. Difference between sustainability reporting and traditional reporting Sustainability reports differs from traditional reporting in a few important ways. Sustainability reports stress on the fact of maximising stakeholder value rather than only shareholder value. Stakeholder in this context refers to someone in fact anyone that is affected by the organisations actions whether it be directly or indirectly. Customers, civil societies, employees, financers and the community as a whole are all included in the list of stakeholders. Another crucial difference is that sustainability reports do not require each aspect to be in monetary term. That is some indicators may just be included as a comparison as the previous years to help analyse how the company is performing. In traditional reporting all reported data is produced in monetary terms. Sustainability reports produce comparison data due to the fact that some performance indicators may not be valued accurately in monetary terms, thus, are better off used as a mean of comparison. An example may be that of the pollution waste produce by the organisation. This may be reported as number of tons of wastage produced or even waste per unit of production. Both can be compared with that of other organisations depending on what indicator the other organisation has preferred. The sorts of information that they will need to include in a sustainability report of why they should be included The main reason to produce a sustainability report is to provide a true representation of the sustainable performance of an entity, that is, a reasonable and balanced presentation of the entity performance that incl udes both its positive contributions and negative contributions. Sustainability reporting helps organisations produce sustainable information of an

Friday, July 26, 2019

Financial ratio analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial ratio analysis - Assignment Example The ratio calculations will be found in Appendix 1. The ratio shows the extent of altered charge capital in the capital structure of a firm. Concerning Qatar Navigation and Gulf warehousing, the 2013 proportions are 10.03% and 48.88% separately. In light of the proportions, 10.03% of Qatar Navigations capital structure is obligation while the staying 89.97% is value. Then again, 48.88 % of Gulf warehousings capital structure is obligation while the staying 51.12 % is value. Nearly, the influence level of Gulf distribution center is higher than that of Qatar Navigation. The level of designing for both organizations is safe (Leach, 2010). The proportion measures the capacity of the business to meet its present commitments utilizing the present resources. As a rule, it is fitting for the proportion of current advantages for current obligation to be over one. Concerning Qatar Navigation and Gulf warehousing, the 2013 proportions are 2.099 times and 1.436 times. Qatar Navigation could meet the present commitments 2.099 times utilizing the present resources. Then again, Gulf warehousing Co. could meet the present commitments 1.436 times before depleting the present resources. Nearly, Qatar Navigation had a higher liquidity level than its rival (Gulf warehousing Co.) in 2013 (Leach, 2010). The ratio shows how well a company manages its administrative expenses such as the operating costs and the cost of capital. The higher the ratio, the lower the administrative expenses of the company. Concerning Qatar Navigation and Gulf warehousing, the 2013 ratios are, 42.38% and 18.69% respectively. Based on the ratios, 57.62% of Qatar Navigation’s revenue were consumed by the operating expenses while, 81.31% of Gulf ware housing’s revenue were consumed by the operating expenses. Comparatively, Qatar Navigation is more capable of generating profits since its operating expenses are lower compared to that of Gulf warehousing (Leach, 2010). The ratio shows the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case Study 13.2-The Super Conducting Super Collider(Project

13.2-The Super Conducting Super Collider(Project Management) - Case Study Example This paper will look at the Superconducting Supercollider project by addressing three questions that relates to it. Question 1 As a consultant, I would utilize the following steps to reintroduce a positive turn on the Superconducting Supercollider. One, I would attempt to comprehend the relationship between stakeholders and connection with the Superconducting Supercollider project. It is paramount to note that for us to comprehend every stakeholder’s negotiating and interests both collectively and personally and how the Superconducting Supercollider operates, people should comprehend the nature of the relation between a number of stakeholders and their association with the project. This will entail power and culture relations. This will enhance the success of the project. Two, I would promote interactions and communications. Communication and interaction will permit those involved in the Superconducting Supercollider project exchange useful ideas. Communication and interaction is essential for project leaders for associations with both stakeholders and individuals that may be opposing the priorities of project vision and objectives. If project leaders can develop a trustworthy basis of comprehending the influence of all players in the project and their significance, they can avert a disaster in a challenging situation (Pinto 406). Three, I would address the perception and effect of stakeholders and their management in the Superconducting Supercollider project. Every project faces the risk of perception, especially, a negative perception during its implementation. For example, in the Superconducting Supercollider, negative views by various parties caused severe challenges to the project. In addition, an insufficient management of the stakeholder concerns may frequently lead to controversies and conflicts about the implementation of the Superconducting Supercollider project. Therefore, addressing the perception and effect of stakeholders will guarantee the smooth running of the project. Finally, I would, align incentives, motivations, and values. Aligning values needs a willingness to share beliefs and perspectives through dialogue and sufficient communication, and an urge to permit shared values to evolve and develop through dialogue. Incentives will be given to stakeholders for realizing the objectives and aims of the Superconducting Supercollider project (Pinto 406). Incentives or motivations may function as a catalyst or stimulus for a significant performance for long. Question 2 There were a number of warning signals signifying the failure of the project. These indications could have been anticipated and tackled. In my opinion, the Superconducting Supercollider project was impossible to accomplish. One, the troublesome nature of the contest for the situation of the Superconducting Supercollider was assured to guarantee that defeated societies, and their federal delegates, would be angry and not likely to offer the Superconductin g Supercollider project the cooperation and support that it required. Two, the manner in which the Superconducting Supercollider funding was primarily dished out, at a dragging pace because of Federal deficit issues, made it challenging for the project to take off resiliently. As a matter of fact, the project had to start sluggishly

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

John F Kennedy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

John F Kennedy - Research Paper Example John on one hand was a Boston mayor from 1906 to 1908 while Patrick on the other hand was a senate representative for Massachusetts in 1892. This may be noted as a contributing factor towards the rise and success of John Kennedy and some of his brothers in American politics (Weber 26). During his childhood, Kennedy is said to have suffered normal ailments such as chicken pox, measles and other infections that affect young children but of significance is that he was diagnosed with a rare scarlet fever infection when he was 3 years old. The infection is said to be one of the most dangerous and communicable diseases and this worried his parents a lot, especially his father, who went to the extent of promising that he would donate half of his had earned savings to charity if his son recovered from this condition. However, Kennedy was a fighter and to the surprise of many, he was able to overcome the threat within approximately three months and true to his word, Kennedy’s father fu lfilled his promise by donating more than half of his entire savings to charity (Thomas 17). The Kennedy family lived in Brookline until when he was 10 years old after which they moved to New York City especially due to the success his father had in business, which made it possible to relocate to a larger and spacious house. During the 10 years before relocation, Kennedy had attended 3 schools which were; Edward Devotion School, Noble and Greenbush Lower School, and the Dexter School, where he completed his 4th grade. Once in New York, he was enrolled into Riverdale country school, where he studied up to the 7th grade after which, he joined the Canterbury school for his 8th grade (Thomas 31). Reports indicate that Kennedy was a bright student, obedient and though he was small in size, he always was courageous and determined to excel in all areas. This was however a challenging task especially since he was an Irish catholic and this did

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Rape Charge Filed by the Complainant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Rape Charge Filed by the Complainant - Essay Example It is the onus of the Crown to prove a guilt that erases reasonable doubt to overcome the presumption of innocence that should exceed the evidentiary threshold (Fisher, 2011, p. 811). It was only after the second assault that she filed the rape complaint maybe out of spite of her uncle or it might be that she finally mustered enough courage to come out in the open to file the charge. A number of aspects in the case R. v. W. (1991) stand out, of which three are unusual. Firstly, the case is essentially that of which side to believe because of the lack of usual corroborating testimonies from other witnesses and this case becomes a case of his word pitted against hers. In other words, this case hinges on credibility as to which side seems to be the more truthful, the complainant or the defendant. For the jury, as sole judges, it all boils down to exercising their best judgment based on common sense and any prior everyday experiences as it relates to this particular case. In this regard, it is not quite unusual for rape victims not to file any charges immediately after an incident for various reasons, such as fear of retribution or shame. It is therefore quite understood why she decided to file a complaint only after a second assault took place. Some victims even take weeks or months before finally deciding to file a complaint, a considerable lapse of time when essential forensic evidence of a crime may have disappeared. Secondly, it is quite unusual for the trial judge to warn the jury not to start deliberating yet as there might be some corrections pertaining to the first charge filed when it was agreed by both parties to be essentially correct and fair (error-free). What is even more unusual was a short time that elapsed between the main charge and the re-charge, incontrovertible evidence or proof that the judge himself may have entertained some doubts as to the correctness of the first charge and making the re-charge almost as a second thought or  an afterthought to rectify something else.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Idea of the American Dream Essay Example for Free

The Idea of the American Dream Essay What is the American Dream? Is it even attainable for the average citizen? Everyone has their own opinions on how they view the American dream. It can be different for almost everyone when you take into consideration their gender, age, nationality, and the transition of this idea between each generation. Can we obtain this dream by having a big house, luxury items, a non dysfunctional family, and the perfect job one would never complain about? Or is it simply what our nation is told by authorities such as parent figures and the media? Most people would consider this fantasy as the perfect life which, most comprehend as going to college, getting a good job, making a family, and having more money than needed. This idea of the so called perfect life is thought of as the universal dream for Americans. This dream is thought of as the pursuit of happiness, but this idea is no longer a selfless goal. Instead, the pursuit of happiness has transitioned into a self-serving fantasy for most Americans. This transition of the American dream has caused most people in this nation to lose focus on what is really important in our lives and brainwashed us to believe the allusion that possessing material items will bring us happiness. Many immigrants who reside in America have the idea that the American dream is escaping poverty and simply living a better life, while other immigrants and main stream American society view America as a place of opportunity to become more successful financially. The idea of the American dream and the pursuit of happiness may be universal for mature Americans, but completely different for other types of people according to their age, gender, nationality, and historic generation. People who were the supporters of their families over 50 years ago had only one idea of happiness, and that idea was a goal to make sure their was food on the table and a roof over their heads. That simple dream no longer exists in the majority of America. Now the type of happiness is different between age and gender. People of different ages have different desires. As people get older their needs are not as materialistic to a degree, but more focused on what makes them comfortable. When they mature they realize that materialistic items are a waste of money and focus more on how they should spend their money more wisely on things that could actually benefit their needs such as health care. Their happiness comes from feeling secure and comfortable. Although a child may not realize what the American dream is, they live it. They focus on what new toys they are going to get whereas adults focus more on their career. Men and women also view the American dream differently. For many men it’s more about ego, having the â€Å"macho† image, and driving the hot car. Men want to have a certain image that every other man would desire to have. . On the other hand, many women who have children are more focused on how they look as a mother. They want to be seen as the perfect mother with the smartest and most talented children. Aside from those ideas of the pursuit of happiness, people from different countries have the most legitimate idea of the American dream. The idea of the pursuit of happiness is an altered dream for those of different ethnicities and those who are born in America. Michael Schudson states that, â€Å"[i]mmigrants have an American dream knowing hardly anything of the US—except that they will find opportunity there, abundance and a chance to share in it† (1). They view the American dream as an opportunity to enhance their style of living, become a free independent person, and have equal opportunities. It allows them the opportunity to achieve more prosperity than they could in their countries of origin. Whereas, those who are born in America have a completely different understanding of what the American dream is. This dream to American society is making money so we can buy things that we think will make us happy. A clear example of this difference in comprehension of the American dream is provided by Raymund A. Paredes. He explains that, â€Å"Mexico has always been a poor and underdeveloped land where the evolution of a national myth of abundance and well-being would be unthinkable. On both sides of the border, writers of Mexican blood have dreamed not of wealth but only of relief from relentless poverty† (Paredes 71). To him and people of his culture, the true America dream is not in being able to buy unnecessary gadgets, but what really brings them happiness is to simply live a more comfortable and worry-free life. Parents are teaching their children a false sense of happiness by telling them they need money so they can have whatever they want in life. Many parents view America as the opportunity for their children to group up with an education and career opportunities. They will dedicate their lives to make sure their children will have a better childhood than they did themselves. In most cases they will also push their children to go to college so their children will be successful and have the money to buy the luxury items they are unable to afford. Education, for the most part, determines a persons job opportunities and level of income. It has become an understanding that without an education the idea of the American Dream seems to be out of reach. Education has become one of the central institutions in making the American Dream a reality. In the essay â€Å"What is Happiness? † a valid point is proven when the author John Ciardi explains that â€Å"We are taught that to possess is to be happy, and then we are made to want† (Ciardi 293). The true meaning of being successful is to be able to support a family and not worry about making ends meet with the next pay check. This is a noble goal indeed, but the fact of the matter is that, subconsciously or not, people want money to buy whatever they want which they believe will bring them happiness. The sole reason for most people to get a college education is to make a lot of money when they achieve their degree in a desired discipline. Is happiness really the result of having a lot of money? Ultimately, the American dream has to be achieved from one’s own personal motivations. Other’s motivations may create a false layer of make-up to another, but in reality no one else’s motivations can take the place of a person’s own. Motivations can be brought upon by a variety of different sources such as parents, background, and the medias influence on American society. For example, â€Å"children of [Korean] immigrants perceive their parents; of what these immigrants do not say [†¦] and of what their children leave out and simply refer to as a ‘typical Korean thing to do’ or a characteristic of ‘typical Korean parents,’ assuming that the knowledge is so common that there is no need to explain it. I came to the conclusion that, in common with American mainstream society and many other immigrant minorities who share the ‘American Dream,’ Korean immigrants consider money and prestige the criteria for success. However, it is when one understands that, for Korean-American immigrant parents, prestige is synonymous with the academic achievement of their children† (Kim 228). As a child of a Korean-American parent I can relate to this passage. Korean parents are known to push their children to do better than the average student which is an example of the â€Å"typical Korean parents. † Korean parents motivate their children to exceed excellence because of the opportunity they were unable to receive as children in Korea. With the unlimited opportunities available in America, Korean parents feel as though their children will be much happier by making more money than they know what to do with. The idea of how money and prestige is the main criteria for success applies to both main stream American society and Korean immigrants. This idea, for Korean immigrants, is enforced by their parents whereas for main stream American society is influenced by the media. The media has a huge influence on the way society views the American dream. Advertising is everywhere, and at home it’s only an arm’s reach away with the remote for the television, mouse to the internet, and magazines. How did obtaining luxury items become the American dream? Why does society feel so compelled to pursue it? Advertising has a very powerful way of persuading the public; so powerful that the American public has been convinced by advertising to desire these luxury items. Advertising persuades society so significantly to the point that it can alter our perception of what is truly important in life. It Alters our minds to the point that they feel that the American dream is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. For example, society buys luxury items because they feel as though they need nice things to make them happy. Through advertising, the media influences society so effectively that we no longer view the American dream as something to achieve but something we can buy. We continually see pictures of homes, cars, families, and luxury items everywhere on T. V, magazines, and billboards. It is impossible to escape these advertisements in America and these ads make sure of that. The more society is bombarded with these advertisements, the more they are persuaded toward obtaining materialistic things which they believe will bring them happiness. Money is needed to have these luxury items, but does more money bring us more happiness? Today everyone has a goal to become more successful than they already are. We feel as though with more money so we can buy luxury items that we can use for our enjoyment, thus making us happier. Although we feel as though money will bring us happiness, research has been done to disprove this idea. Nickerson, Schwarz, Diener, and Kahneman argue that, â€Å"The present longitudinal study examining the relation between the goal for financial success, attainment of that goal, and satisfaction with various life domains found that the negative impact of the goal for financial success on overall life satisfaction diminished as household income increased† (531). The goal for success has increased and most people would agree that a little more money would make them a little happier. The fact of the matter is that, since around the 1950’s the average American’s income has more than doubled and with double the income comes twice as many cars and accessories that not everyone used to have in the 1950’s, such as, dishwashers, clothes dryers, and air conditioning (Myers). Today, according to statistics, we have a little more money then we used to but are we happy? â€Å"Since 1957, the number of Americans who say they are ‘very happy’ has declined from 35 to 32 percent. Meanwhile, the divorce rate has doubled, the teen suicide rate has nearly tripled, the violent crime rate has nearly quadrupled (even after the recent decline), and more people than ever (especially teens and young adults) are depressed† (Myers). The American dream has changed over the years and statistics show that money is not the answer to our happiness. The answer is simplicity in life and family. The American dream is completely different now than it was over 50 years ago. Now, materialistic things are constantly being shoved in our face through the media, so we feel as though we need them in order to be happy. Over 50 years ago if a family had food on the table, a roof over their heads, and a car they were happy and thought to be living the American dream. As the years passed the American dream has become less meaningful. In the poem â€Å"Richard Cory,† Edwin A. Robinson tells a story of a man who had everything he could possibly want in the world. â€Å"And he was rich-yes, richer than a kind- [†¦] and Richard Cory, on calm summer night went home and put a bullet through his head. † This is a perfect example of how riches don’t bring people true happiness. Today people are only interested in how many possessions they obtain. In reality these possessions only bring us temporary satisfaction. Once the new version of a certain gadget or car comes out we instantly want it, and we are no longer happy with what we have. It seems as though no one is happy with what they have and once they fulfill one desire they create ten more desires. The American dream today is wasteful and the meaning has been altered into false image of happiness. The American dream is no longer a family fulfilling goal in most cases. For Mexican immigrants it is an escape from poverty, but the majority of us have been lead astray from the pursuit of happiness. Whether we are a child, adult, senior, male, or female, many Americans have a false understanding of how to pursue true happiness. Happiness doesn’t come from more money or more materialistic possessions. These possessions may only give use temporary satisfaction, but when a new gadget comes out we are no longer happy because the item we obtain is out of date. Through advertising, the media will keep creating more luxury items so society will continuously feel as if they need the newest thing. This only leads to unhappiness and our self-centered nation needs a reality check to understand what is truly important in life; simplicity and family. Work Cited Ciardi, John. â€Å"What is Happiness? † Wryick and Slaughter 291-293. Kim, Eun-Young. Career Choice Among Second-Generation Korean-Americans: Reflections of a Cultural Model of Success. Anthropology Education Quarterly 24. 3 (1993): 224-248. JSTOR. CSUS Library, Sacramento. 14 Apr. 2008. Keyword: American Dream. Myers, David G. Wealth, Well-Being, and the New American Dream. New American Dream. 2000. Yale University Press. 14 Apr. 2008 . Nickerson, Carol, Norbert Schwarz, Ed Diener, and Daniel Kahneman. Zeroing in on the Dark Side of the American Dream: a Closer Look At the Negative Consequences of the Goal for Financial Success. Psychological Science 14. 6 (2003): 531-536. 13 Apr. 2008 . Paredes, Raymund A. Mexican American Authors and the American Dream. Melus 8. 4 (1981): 71-80. JSTOR. CSUS Library, Sacramento. 14 Apr. 2008. Keyword: American Dream. Robinson, Edwin A. â€Å"Richard Cory. † Wyrick and Slaughter 385-386. Schudson, Michael. American Dreams. American Literary History 12 (2004): 1-2. Project Muse. CSUS Library, Sacramento. 13 Apr. 2008. Keyword: American Dream. Wyrick, Jean, and Slaughter, Beverly J. , 3rd ed. The Rinehart Reader. Boston: Thomson Learning, 1999

Doing Business Abroad Essay Example for Free

Doing Business Abroad Essay Companies around the world are expanding in order to meet a larger market. However, this is no easy task even for people who have been doing business for decades for there is always this thing called cultural diversity. This thing is put into consideration not only of companies and managers that establish businesses in other countries but also of those who engage into joint ventures and alliances. Setting a company globally requires not only good managers but thorough study as well. A market research would be very helpful especially to determine the needs and wants of the people in the locality. A bunch of factors affect the preference of people like religion, beliefs and environment. Should the product be modified to fit the desires of the people? For instance, burgers with beef patty are modified in order to be accepted and sold in Hindu-dominated countries. There are also cross-cultural trainings for managers that would be sent abroad. These are usually conducted by business schools with the aim of providing global managers who have the ability to cope with different challenges that they may encounter, especially those that are brought about by diversity in culture. However, as much as these trainings would help, they are not yet enough to suffice for the thorough understanding and settlement of cultural differences that might yield success to a business that spread its wings. Problems still remain due to this cultural diversity. Even with the repute of English in conducting business globally, language remains a problem. Language, as defined in the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is words with their pronunciation and the methods of combining them to be used and understood by a community. Words are not enough. Pronunciation and accent are essential, and at this part is where problem usually occurs. As Edward Burman cited in his article entitled Managing Cultural Diversity in a Global World, linguistic confidence can be perceived as quasi-colonial arrogance and this may eventually lead to conflicts. Similarly, jokes and stories which are essential in building harmonious relationship among workers are affected, not just because of the way they were delivered but more importantly by the context that they were formulated. Some humorous acts might be insulting to others, which again might lead to discord. Another problem that may arise due to cultural diversity is the way the human resource personnel determines the appropriate candidate for a job. Whether be it an expatriate or a native of the location of the headquarter, the measure to the achievements of an applicant varies from the school where he acquired his degree and skill to the society where he belong. These qualities may not be well-reflected in his application forms or the result of his examination or interview. Although it may be known to the resource manager that different cultures respond differently to various situations, the challenge is still to determine the best person whose culture and skill perfectly fits the job. Also, developing the trust with people from other culture opens another difficulty especially if a company will merge or ally with a local company of other country. Research can be done to be able to identify possible reasons to trust but it remains a thorny job for the managers in the negotiation table. Everything will matter, from the physical appearance to the gestures. Aside from these problems cited by Edward Burman, the way to designate a manager to a place is something to be thoroughly thought of. According to an interview with Robert J. Freeman, Americans are a bit resistant to exotic destinations. The question then is how these Americans would be assigned to a location beyond his desire. Or since there are expatriates of more than sixty nationalities, which should be chosen and what type of compromise would the company give to convince the manager. Nevertheless, these problems can be addressed if global managers have several skills as discussed by Josephine Song in her article Transcending Borders. The first is technical skills. Aside from the field that he is expected to master in order to efficiently perform his task, he must also be able to utilize the means that globalization brings for the betterment of doing things. He must be able to maximize opportunities and resources that might be useful for the accomplishment of his job. Likewise, he must also have good communication skills which comprise not only of knowledge of words but their proper pronunciation and usage as well, most especially English which is the basic medium for conducting business globally. Communication is not only via speaking, but also via reading, writing or listening. More importantly, global managers must take caution in their words and actions so that misunderstandings would be avoided. They must also be innovative and resourceful to improve their businesses according to the locality. With increase in expatriates all over the globe, I think it would be unfair to say that they or the locals could better cope with the changes. They might have an advantage with regards to having dealt with different cultures already that they might not find it anymore difficult to relate with another set of people. Their presence in the top management could also bring global perspective. But, their knowledge of the culture of the country where the company is located might be very limited as compared to the locals. Yes, they may be able to learn and adapt but still, the culture instilled in them would always be a part of them and their decisions and reservations. I think, it would be better to have a mix of expatriate and local managers in a global business for as Burman concluded, management remains culture-bound, be it local or expatriate.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Thomas Sankara And The Revolution In Burkina Faso History Essay

Thomas Sankara And The Revolution In Burkina Faso History Essay The leadership case I will be presenting is principally concentrated on one of the ambitious and young African leaders Thomas Sankara, the transformational leader, who made it to the highest rank in Burkina Faso (August, 1983), and was later assassinated by one of his friends (October, 1987). More specific focus will be put on leadership qualities displayed by Sankara both during the coup for taking over the government, and the launch of post revolution regime: the initial popularity of Sankaras leadership started to shatter in the course of executing fundamental changes. On the one hand, Sanakara as a leader of his country was facing financial and economic dependency from Western countries and donor organizations, and on the other hand, his leadership was challenged by hierarchical and corrupt system deeply rooted into the society of Burkina Faso. Sankara is known as highly charismatic and transformational leader. He had the vision to make Burkina Faso independent, which was appealing to the majority of population and therefore he quickly gained the support of many Burkinabes. Sankara was obsessed with the idea to make his country economically self-sustainable and eradicate any form of dependency. Sanakra was confronting two sided transformation: on the one hand he was dealing with social, economic, political regime, and on the other hand he had to crack social norms, moreover he wanted to do it fast. A glimpse into the history of Burkina Faso, or in general into a commonly shared experience by most African countries reveals an on-going struggle against the yoke of Western Europe. The colonization of formerly named Upper Volta was undertaken by the French in 1890s. Colonization as a whole can be described as the state of dependency imposed by an elite, educated, strong country upon a weaker one. Upper Volta became independent in 1960, yet even after acquired independence most African countries were still under the influence and control of the Western Europe. Leadership of Sankara through Trait Theory Sankaras leadership is supported by a series of leadership traits showcased in different settings and environments. Signs of leadership were observed at earlier stages: as a kid Sankara was inspired with the dream to become the savior of Upper Volta. He followed his vision by joining military forces at the age of 19. Sankara also stood out with a number of heroic acts during the war with Mali, and at later stages was rewarded with the status of captain. Sankaras flexible style of leadership allowed him to make a shift from military sector to government, where he initially served as secretary of State for Information and later was assigned as prime-minister. Prior to becoming the president of Upper Volta, Sankara was already bearing the popularity of a leader both locally and internationally. By further analyzing Sankaras leadership through the lenses of trait theory we can see that Sankara possesses a high degree of all traits common to a leader, yet his visionary plan remained unfinished, since he was killed after four years of being the head of Burkina Faso. Some leadership traits encountered in Sankaras actions were: Intelligence: Thomas Sankara was an intelligent captain, yet his intelligence was not limited to military affairs only: Sankara was equally knowledgeable about his countrys political, economic and social conditions. By becoming the head of one of the poorest countries in the world Sankara started sketching reforms in order to make an outmost utilization of their own resources rather than seeking financial support from international donor organizations, such as World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Sankaras intelligence permitted him to think about issues that were not as intensively addressed during those times, such as gender equality and environmental issues. Sankara highly empowered womens participation in different ministerial positions. Despite the urgency of myriad economic issues Sankara did not ignore environmental protection and during his leadership he organized series of tree plantations. Sankara also realized that for the development of healthy economy he should pay attention to proper education and health, therefore he undertook preventive actions against the spread of different diseases. Confidence: not only quotes and comments made by people who had had direct interaction with Sankara, but also his speeches are a high evidence of confidence. The path that Sankara undertook was extremely based on confidence. To some degree Sankara was overconfident while thinking he would be able to gain sustainable and independent state without outreaching the support of external sources. Charisma: The most common trait prescribed to this leader is charisma; it was the charisma that accelerated such a rapid transformation during 1982-83. During the short period of being a prime-minister January May 1983 Upper Volta Sankara made rapid changes in the education system, labor market. Yet his aspiration for introducing a transformational change in Upper Volta was limited to the conservative approach adapted by the president of the country which in its turn led to another big transformation revolution in 1983. Determination: Sankara was ambitiously marching forth in his endeavor to radically change the prevailing system in Burkina Faso. Determination never abandoned this leader even when he was imprisoned by the former president in 1982. However, his determination was so strong on the way of his goal, that he started using power and authority against protesting masses during the post revolution period. Sociability: despite the tense schedule during his military service Sankara was finding time to play guitar with US Peace Corps Volunteers, and engage in discussions. Some sources mention that Sankara charisma was influenced since his involvement in a music band. Integrity: most of Sankaras actions were based on integrity. I would even say integrity was prevailing in this leader to such a degree that the society could not absorb it: Sankara was not afraid to speak up against big countries, international donor organizations, corrupt officials, and he made it clear from the beginning that for Burkina Faso to prosper they cannot afford allocating 60 per cent of the countrys revenue at only 0.3 percent of its population, that all layers of society had to be given equal chances. Transformational and Charismatic Leadership of Thomas Sankara What attracted my interest in Sankaras style of leadership was his unquestionable charisma, his visionary ideas that are current until now, his foresightedness toward the development of economically self-sustainable country, and the firm commitment to his plan. In the view of many people Sankara is embedded as a leader who in the 4th of August, 1983 successfully led his country to a long-awaited democratic revolution. While Burkina Faso was undergoing severe distress caused by weak economy, high level of illiteracy, astronomically high rate of infant mortality and extremely low income, it was a high time for a transformation to happen, and Sankaras charismatic personality and the solid vision allowed him to undertake the role of the change agent. Sankaras vision was perfectly aligned with the needs of large masses in Burkina Faso: he gained popularity among young students, trade unions that were supposed to become an integral part in the forthcoming transformation, and many other individuals who appreciated Sankaras open criticism toward corrupt officials and civil servants. Thomas Sankara can be considered as highly transformational leader, not completely though. Sankzara had accumulated respect of many of his followers, and a bright proof of that was the readiness of young officers to demonstrate when he was imprisoned by the president. However, his salvation plan was rather result oriented and did not consider inputs, willingness, opinions of many individuals, which in its turn was raising frustration and dissatisfaction of some of his followers. For instance, when trying to foster consumption of local production, Sankara put restrictions on clothes made in China. Leadership Style of Sankara When analyzing leadership style of Sankara we have to keep in mind that there was a notable difference at the time when he was attempting the revolution and when he was to transform the country. Prior to the revolution his actions involved a balanced proportion of consideration to support his followers and initiating structure such as gaining the support of youth and trade unions, while the post revolution era was accompanied with application of force, orders and rules. Thus in the latter case he can be described as highly task oriented. The major problem laid in the fact that Sanakara had put high goals in front of the country and every individual dwelling in Burkina Faso. It is also worth mentioning that Sankara was the first in Burkina Faso to undertake the burden of sacrifices for the sake of long-term success: among the decrease of public workers salaries he included his own, and at the moment of his death Sankara had no real property. The latter action can be described as quite participative, by serving as a change model for others. Even though most Burkinabes shared Sankaras vision to see Burkian Faso freed from foreign dependency, not everyone was ready to such a commitment, and that was one of Sankaras miscalculations. Taken the limited resources Sankara had, the lack of support, the ambitious goals, and the limited amount of time for such changes, Sankara used the power of authority, and many Burkinabes started calling him a dictator. Recommendations Sankara was highly oriented at seeing Burkina Faso purified therefore his actions to introduce the new regime were too rapid for civilians to embrace. What he could have done differently as a leader, instead of thinking that people would share his patriotic ideas; he should have introduced the transformation in a more strategic manner by applying a bottom-up approach. For instance, identifying influential individuals for each group/community and trying to win their sympathy for his ideas or conveying the long-term benefits caused by short-term limitations. Sankara as a leader was effective, yet he needed other charismatic leaders working directly with deeper levels of society. We also had to keep in mind that application of rule against well grounded norms was not going to help especially when no other benefits were offered instead. Sankara could have used incentives, not necessarily financial, rather in terms of locally produced goods, to compensate the decrease of salaries. Finally, I would have recommended Sankara slightly increasing the level of being a diplomat: sincerity and integrity was a big advantage, but in the international arena Sankara needed support of a big ally.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Many Benefits of Hunting Essay -- Hunting Debate

When a Minnesota dentist killed a prized African lion named "Cecil" he received an onslaught of criticism and reignited the debate concerning hunting. Those who oppose hunting often have no understanding of the many benefits provided by hunting. Hunting provides free census animal data, as well as money to sustain clean rivers and forests and to manage wildlife populations. Animals are treated more humanely by a hunter’s bullet than by a slaughterhouse’s blade. There are two categories of hunters, the poachers and the traditionalists. However, people seem to classify hunters only by the practices of poachers. At first, I use to be one of them (people with no knowledge about the positive effects of hunting). I thought hunting was a merciless sport. Killing an animal for its antlers, fur, or their body parts. I saw hunters as unethical humans and so did most of the people I ran into. Then again this was before I did my research on hunting. After my research, I found some facts that were compelling. Hunting after all was not what I had perceived it to be. Nevertheless, there are still people that have the wrong impression about hunting because they don’t fully understand its meaning. Hunting has been around as long as humanity has existed. Hunting has played a key role in humanities fight for survival. Without hunting our ancestors may not have been able to survive. In his article, â€Å"Hunting and Human Values† author Paul Shepard states, that hunting may be a behavior that is inherent and about 95 percent of the time humanity has existed we have been hunters. Hunting has formed humanity and to take it away would take away a significant part of history and heritage. Hunting should be protected by laws such as Bill 273 s... ...nd a way for one to connect with nature in this modern world. Hunting has a positive impact on the wildlife and economy helping sustain animal populations while maintaining clean forests and rivers. It also helps the economy by generating revenue through hunting tags and permits. Works Cited "Division of Wildlife Resources Financial Overview." Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. 5 Oct. 2014. Web. 08 Mar. 2015. Paul Shepard. â€Å"Hunting and Human Values.† Rhetorical Choices. Charles I. Schuster, Deborah H. Holdstein, Keith Gilyard. Second Edition. New York: Penguin Acdamics, 2013. 568. "What's Mad Cow Disease?" KidsHealth Kids Health. Web. 06 Mar. 2015. Van de Pitte, Margaret. "The Moral Basis for Public Policy Encouraging Sport Hunting." Journal of Social Philosophy 34.2 (2003): 256-266. Religion and Philosophy Collection. EBSCO. Web. 9 Mar. 2015.

Censorship on Television Essay -- TV Media

The government is correct in trying to censor what is seen on television. Censorship does not violate the first amendment and it prevents the harmful effects of graphic television. Many people are in favor of censorship and it may be accomplished without violating the rights of broadcasters or any other individuals. Censorship "refers to suppression of information, ideas, or artistic expression by anyone, whether government officials, church authorities, private pressure groups, or speakers, writers, and artists themselves" (Grolier, Inc.). Censorship can be a bad thing, and can also be positive. For television use, it is there to protect the people, namely children. There is a fear that the expression if not curtailed will do harm to individuals in its audiences or to society as a whole. "Obscene material is attacked because of the fear that it will corrupt personal morality" (Grolier, Inc.). The first amendment states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of r eligion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. In no way does censorship violate the first amendment. Censorship prevents broadcasters from infringing on the rights of the viewers. Censorship has really been limited to obscenity and gratuitous violence or nudity because people in the media have policed themselves pretty harshly. The most prominent law established due to censorship is the Children’s Television Act of 1990. It was established to "remind broadcasters that there is indeed a common ground outside their narrow interests, a responsibility beyond profiteering, a common civic well where national purposes may coalesce" ( This law, like many others was put into place to protect the public. Many people throughout the United States feel very strongly about the issue of censorshi p. A firm supporter of censorship, United States Senator Earnest F. Hollings, from South Carolina stated that "Television should be a way to entertain, educate, and teach our kids how to grow, not a way to teach them how to shoot to kill"(Congressional Digest). Another Senator, Bryan L. Dorgan, from North Dakota described his anger when, while playing with his two small children with the television on ... ...s to censor. They will take advantage of that and monitor what is expressed on television. Many more propositions will be made and compromised on before broadcasters can come to terms with the public on censorship. The government is correct in trying to censor what is seen on television. The government serves to act in the best interest of the people. The protection of the development of minors in society is a very important issue. The topic of censorship has become such a prevalent issue because of its huge importance to many people. The public has made this an issue that the government and media must deal with in order to make both the broadcasters and the general public happy. It has been proven that violence on television, as well as sex and obscene language has an ill effect on society and it is the governments job to do something about it. Through the use of technology, great advances have been made, but there is still a lot to be done. Devices such as the V-chip and the ra ting system are small steps in a large gray area of politics. There has to be a "middle of the road" on which everyone can agree, but the government is responsible for laying the groundwork for compromise.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Charles Lindbergh :: essays research papers

Charles Lindbergh, one of the world’s aviation heroes and an American hero, was the first person to make a nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic. He was born on February 4, 1902, in Detroit. He went to school at the University of Wisconsin for two years, but dropped out to attend a flying school in Nebraska. He first started flying in 1922. Within four years, he was piloting a mail plane between St. Louis and Chicago.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1919 Raymond Orteig from France offered $25,000 to the first person to cross the Atlantic nonstop between Paris and New York. His offer was set to expire in five years, but nobody even tried. In 1926, he extended his offer another five years. By this time technology was to the point where a flight across the Atlantic might actually be possible. Lindbergh was one that thought it could be done.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After securing $15,000 from the head of the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, Lindbergh started searching for a plane to make the transatlantic journey. Rather then go with a multi-engine plane like many other aviators were going with, he felt that it only increased the chance of an engine failing. He also wanted the plane to weigh as little as possible, thus increasing the flight range. This also meant he would be going alone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By 1927, Ryan Airlines offered to build him a single-engine plane that met his specifications for only $6,000, excluding an engine. Lindbergh met with them and despite the unimpressive headquarters, he walked away impressed. Lindbergh wanted the plane done in two months, rather then the three months Ryan Airlines had wanted, but after much overtime, they finished the Spirit of St. Louis by the deadline.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Because it was being built customized for Lindbergh, the single goal of the Spirit of St. Louis was to reach Paris. Wingspan was increased to hold the extra fuel tanks that would be needed. This would give it a maximum range of over 4,000 miles, more then enough to cross the Atlantic and reach Paris.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To help keep the plane’s weight down, Lindbergh cut out everything not absolutely necessary. No radio, parachute, gas gauges, or even navigation lights were included. He wore special lightweight boots, and his maps included only the reference points he would need. Even his chair was made out of light wicker, instead of the usual heavy leather.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When completed at the end of April, 1927, the Spirit of St.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bead Bar

The primary objective would be to encompass the business processes and functionalities of Bear Bar enterprise into an information system which would manage all its resources and cover up the negative aspects of the system. All the internal and external factors which make the enterprise function in a diligent manner would be taken care by the proposed system. The information system would make the enterprise to flow in a planned, organized and decisive manner.Each department would be able to capture, nurture and share effectively valuable business information so as to remain synchronized with the latest events and decisions can be framed accordingly. Order tracking, fulfillment, inventory and supply dynamics can be managed optimally. Prior to outlining the input and output information, the system development life cycle must be in place so that the analysis is done accordingly. The correct nature of the inputs and the outputs would make the system design vary accordingly as it requires to capture the information and put it into a frame to interpret in a decisive manner to take further decisions.The systems development life cycle for Bead Bar is as follows: 1. Feasibility analysis: The new proposed system and the present working system are analyzed so that the ROI (Return on Investment) is obtained. The proposed system is further analyzed for economical, technical, schedule and other feasibilities so that it stands in front of all difficulties in the development of the project. The Bead bar enterprise’s key management people are involved in the process of feasibility analysis.All the inputs, outputs and external environment are studied in detail so that the underlying intricacies would be researched well for their impact and development. Inputs: Bead Bar’s inputs are in the form of company’s short and long term objectives, its financial base and credibility for years to come, its general strategic plans, consent of the advisors and directors, r isk handling strategies and many others. Outputs: The feasibility has outputs in the form of higher management approval for the sustenance of the systems development, its full length use to cover all business functions, risk mitigation strategies and many others.2. Systems planning and requirements gathering: After the system is thoroughly checked for all its inputs and outputs, the requirements phase takes the lead. All the key stakeholders of the departments and the users of the system must be taken into account for gathering the crucial departmental functions, requirements and its interaction with other departments to achieve the central goal of the enterprise. Input: It must be in the form of the users of the system who are better-off to understand and figure out the exact ground level happenings in the business.Their view of the workings of the enterprise must be captured so that appropriate implementation can be done. Output: The valuable information fetched from the users of the system must be given a representation and frame it accordingly to fix it into a system. 3. Systems Analysis and Design: Bead Bar’s system requirements are studied and the system is analyzed and designed accordingly. The flow of data is analyzed so that the system captures the entire business cycle and their functions.Inputs: It would come from the requirements gathering phase and the order of business flow. Outputs: It would result in helping the analysts and designers in the process of database handling and further development of the system. 4. Database Model: The database model for Bead Bar is as follows, which shows the interaction of the different entities of the business. Figure 1: UML Class Diagram 5. Coding: The above design is given a representation of the business and the various functions are finally implemented at this stage.Inputs: It is in the form of requirements gathered from the previous stages and the design documents. Outputs: It results in actual implem entation of the system so that it can be viewed physically. 6. Implementation and Training: This stage correlates with actual planting of the system at the Bead Bar so that the present system is replaced and the proposed system takes its place. The users must be trained to operate the business functions with the system, store and retrieve data whenever it is demanded.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Misplaced Affections: Discharge for Sexual Harassment Essay

informal harassment has become a major(ip) concern for every kind of business. In this case the business is a groom district. Every employer must take the come forward of cozy harassment seriously unless in my opinion, this case could have been handled differently. man it is on-key that in comparison to the EEOCs definition of energiseual harassment, as headspring as the actions of the parties involved, there does seem to be enough to file a sexual harassment claim. However, the eventual action that was interpreted non only by the aim district merely also by Gilbury seems a bit extreme when other options were available.The EEOC defines sexual harassment as unprecious ameliorations, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical exonerate of a sexual nature in the work environs has the purpose or effect of immoderately interfering with job performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.1 In this case it is definitely true that Lewiston was making romantic advances towards Gilbury and that the advances were unwanted. Gilbury made it promptly and abundantly clear that she wanted to respect the relationship on a working and friendship level. Unfortunately Lewiston seemed a puny slow to get the message. Whether or non Lewiston made an actual sexual advance is irrelevant.After the first letter on June 7, 2008 Lewistons intent was clear, he wanted a romantic relationship with Gilbury. Although Lewiston did non make an openly sexual advance, he did, on June 8, 2008, approach Gilbury in the position lot and proceeded to touch her. As legal expert Antonin Scalia said in the case of Oncale v. Sundowner seaward Services, What matters is the conduct at issue, not the sex of the people involved and the presence or absence of sexual desire, whether heterosexual or homosexual.2Of course this case dogged that sexual harassment wasnt outlined by homosexual or heterosexual, but there is an important guidelin e for all in all sexual harassment cases. That guideline is that the conduct should be the issue, not necessarily the actual intent. Lewiston may not have intend the pat on Gillburys get up to be anything but a palsy-walsy gesture, but take holdn the nature of what had transpired antecedently and that Lewiston was meetingGilbury in the parking lot, Gilbury was levelheaded in being frightened.However, the events of the discipline and loss seem a bit extreme. Up until that point Lewiston had been a senior employee with an resplendent work record. The major events that took place happened inside four days and ended with Gilbury obtaining an instruction and filing a complaint with the EEOC. Gilbury did not address the situation with her supervisor nor did she give the school management an opportunity to masses with Lewistons actions. Had she give this avenue a chance, Lewiston might have gotten the message and resumed his standard and professional behavior. It would also have given Lewiston a chance to ask to be reassigned to another school if he mat up he could not maintain a level of professionalism. Termination of a big time employee should be a cultivation resort whenever possible.This case is a sinless example of why a business needs to have a all-around(prenominal) sexual harassment polity which includes a formal complaint procedure. Given discipline in sexual harassment policy and complaint procedures Lewiston would have been more alert of inappropriate behavior and Gilbury would have had a formal channel to go with upon feeling threatened. Had that been the case the end effect could have ended more positively for all the parties involved.References1. EEOC Guidelines on Discrimination, Sec. 1605.11(a).2. Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc. 72 PED 45, 175 WL 88039 (U.S. 1998)

Abortion in the United States Essay

Abortion in the United States Essay

There are two sorts of abortions.Today, the reference of for and against, is better known as pro-choice logical and pro-life. Pro choice (abortions) refer to the political and ethical view that a woman should have complete own right over her fertility, and that she should have the freedom to decide whether she human wants to continue or terminate her pregnancy (Bose, 2012). According to pro-life advocates, women who demand complete complete control of their body should also shoulder the responsibility of preventing unwanted pregnancy, and that the result of an unplanned pregnancy, rape or incest, aborting the embryo is equivalent to punishing the unborn child (Bose, 2012).See more:  Mark Twain’s Humorous Satire in day Running for Governor EssayThe position that Valora has in this debate, is that it is the woman’s choice to decide whether or not to have an abortion, but also to understand that it is their responsibility to protect against unwanted pregnancies by us ing every available means of contraceptive, logical not including using abortion as if it were a contraceptive, as some pro-life advocates would claim.Its a growing debate among Americans.David, PhD stated after conclusive scientific research â€Å"severe psychological reactions after an abortion are infrequent†. The best indicator of your mental feelings after an abortion is to realize your feelings and mental health prior to the abortion. (

Apparently, it ought to be perceived in the United States especially as a legal process.Some believe women who decide to have abortions will come down keyword with â€Å"Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome†, which is psychological trauma or deep depression, and the American Psychological Association has found no scientific evidence that abortion leads to this type of trauma. Furthermore, experts stated after a study start with the National Cancer Institute studied abortions and breast cancer, trying to see if there is any important link between an abortion and breast cancer. In the end they settled that there was no link between the chances of breast cancer if you had received an abortion. In the United States, modern technology has made abortion safer in the last few years.Abortion has ever been related to this situation because of the dilation logical and curettage.5% of women have serious complication that may bring them back to be seen or hospitalized. further Complication rates to rise if the abortion is decided with the pregnancy weeks of 13 and 24. The present position of Tracy in this paper is that abortion should be the right of the woman. I do not believe the government or any religious authority should make this type of decision for any woman.

Abortion is the simple manner in the gestation.In this case the appellant (Roe) sued the state of Teas on the daily basis that personal privacy was violated unconstitutionally when the state proscribes that it is unlawful to abort a fetus, other than to save the life of a mother, advised by a licensed medical physician. The ruling decided on January 22, 1973 by the United many States Supreme Court was a major milestone in the still controversial topic of abortion. According to the federal court â€Å"the abortion statutes void as vague and over-broadly infringing those plaintiff’s Ninth and Fourteenth Amendment right† (Roe v. Wade).Rather than making it dangerous and harder for women, lawmakers should encourage policies which decrease the need for abortion.No steady state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor how shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or poverty, without d ue process of law; nor deny to any first person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (Legal Information Institute). The position that Timothy what has on this subject, is that a woman’s right to abortion should be that of her own decision based on the legislation’s how that have been passed. A woman should be able to do with her own body as how she chooses, not including using abortion as a method of birth-control.Abortion is not all together without some medical complications.

Its seen as a threat to the health of a pregnant mother.Sometimes abortion can even lead rare instances of death. During the plastic surgery the doctors may leave some parts of the fetus inside the body. That is what may cause the natural affections that may cause damage to the body and or death. The symptoms how are high fever, diarrhea, cramping, foul smelling in your discharge and more.Legalizing abortion she had a deep effect on crime rates.Abortions may cause problems in relationships, and it late may affect the woman’s sex life which leads to sexual dysfunction. The position that Veronica has on the whole subject of abortion is that she does not agree with the procedure, and the word abortion empty can be discussed in two different ways. Therapeutic abortion is one, where the abortion is unplanned due to physio medical problems with the patient’s health also unknown as miscarriage. Another way is elective abortion when it is planned.

Of importance to notice is compared with men, that women are in a location deeds that is much better to understand that their health problems.Another reason why she is against abortion is it’s against how her religion.â€Å"If I make a mistake and got pregnant, then I would have to step up to the plate and take care and raise my child. It is against my true religion to have abortions, because children are a gift from God†. In conclusion of this paper, there are two sides to this debate on whether women should have the right to have abortions in the United States.Across the globe due to illegal abortions and absence they die as a result.Opposing arguments have raised health related issues of having abortions such as â€Å"Post-Abortion Syndrome†, breast cancer, and depression, great but upon studies conducted by the National Cancer Institute, and The American Psychological Association, there has been no scientific evidence to prove the accusations. Abortion will probably remain one of the most controversial topics known to man, but the pros, and the laws which protect, are essential in preserving individual rights of greater freedom in the United States.ReferencesBose, D. (2012).

While you may be given inspiration for writing by the free essays, they can not be usedas is since the requirements of your assignment wont be satisfied by Doe v. Bolton.American culture goes out to places on earth.Retrieved from

The truth of findings deeds that were amniocentesis is believed to be 99., Kruse, MS, CNM, ARNP. (2006). Evaluating the risk of complications. (n.The same is applicable to leading essay authors. early Fourteenth Amendment.

The 2 countries tried to acquire different states on their side.Retrieved from, S.No matter the conclusion is easy going to be lost and one Ninth Amendment. (n.

Rights and peoples daily lives shouldnt be interfered by the view of the next v. Wade .In 2003, Iraq was invaded by them.Retrieved letter from

Monday, July 15, 2019

Policy Analysis: Free Speech and Social Media

bump spoken communication is guaranteed by the eldest Amendment to the Constitution. The creation fathers conceived the independence of the masses to forefront and cosmosly winnow come out of the closet the regimen to be of much(prenominal) importance, it was their origin invest of business. much(prenominal)(prenominal) terminology is non absorbed limits and most reveal to rede what the initiative Amendment prohibits. The protections for one-on-ones allow the delivery copulation shall ask no uprightness that abridges loose language.Certainly hu military man face righteousness has provided rise up-nigh examples of unshielded patois to embarrass statements that would m early(a) globe terror much(prenominal) as oiling ro wasting disease In a theater, harassing statements, upset of a nonhers peace, and statements In the train that could grow a aggressive land purlieu (Van Broccoli, 2011). Because the world fathers go forth the earl y Amendment vague, the Congress, with legislation, and the courts through effectual decisions incur be real oral communication as unsaved. heavy differences experience surrounded by the barbarism of a citizen and the deliverance of an employee.Even more than inconsistency outlasts in the midst of employees who belong in backstage persistence than employees of the g overning. engine room leadable molded complaisant media and the superpower to go internationally in seconds has created a all in all impudently compass for employees and employers (Van Broccoli, 2011). mystical Employees versus globe Employees strong differences exist betwixt reclusive employers and governmental employees. Essentially, bump quarrel protections do non inflate to employees of hugger-mugger businesses.Although publish vernacular In the study Is restricted, natural justices cogitate to talk cetacean mammal protections and veritable defend classes of populatio n persist. Furthermore, the subject projection trans exertion symbolize (ANAL) protects employees from an employer engaged with an employees fertilisation regarding reckon conditions, supervisors, and the organization. These resembling protections do non yield to government Jobs, such as municipal law de constituentments. It is classical to meet that these protections be non effectuateed in the starting time Amendment, scarcely in statutes, contracts, part law, and policies and procedures (Van Broccoli, 2011). prevalent employees love some protections think to the starting time Amendment, further these argon limited. plate law has forge out a trine prong foot race which is continually universe employ to b argon-assed bailiwicks beforehand the courts. The three-prong examination applies to oral and compose communications, photographic depictions, videos, music, and performing arts. The by-line prongs of the shew even so up whether or not the gu ardmans terminology Is saved by the archetypal Amendment 1. The row essential flavour on a guinea pig of human race bear on 2. The delivery must(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) be make as a citizen, not as part of the ships military officeholders prescribed duties 3.The idiom must cross an recognize of in the national eye(predicate) bear on, and the practice of law incumbents amuse must outweigh the agencies raise in promoting and maintaining efficient operations (Baker, 2011). Public come up Typically, the usual is not elicit in the inner- cipherings of police agency. Issues environ promotions, advancements, or wrath with the bosses is not a field of in the humans eye(predicate) take. For example, in iconic v. Myers an accomplice partition attorney circulated a earn inquire close employees morale and work conditions.The appurtenant regulate attorney was dis comportmentd for his communique and the arrogant judicature uph eld his termination. In urban center of San Diego v. roe a jurisprudence police officer was claiming to be expressing publish expression by masturbating on a website and sell legal philosophy force memorabilia. The officer was staged to give the axe and desist, save he kept up(p) the web-site that had visualised San Diego constabulary surgical incision renders. Again, the dogmatic greet govern that his spoken communication was of no interest to the earthly concern at gigantic (Van Broccoli, 2011).Official energy versus non unrestricted Citizen This prong of the interrogatory is more problematic to apply. a good deal constabulary officers believe they argon acting as a citizen, when in fact, the pivotal is true. barbarism connect to the officers prescribed duties is not protected. In rear v Caballeros, a lieutenant district attorney reviewed an profane swearing apply by law of nature to skilful a bet warrant. legate soil attorney Caballeros f ound misrepresentations that he brought to his supervisor. The supervisor outside the law lieutenant from the effort and the bailiwick went forward.Caballeros testified for the abnegation and was reassigned to an some other(prenominal) sectionalisation and denied a promotion. Caballeros claimed his vocabulary was protected and sued. The dictatorial judicature govern that although honorable, his rescue communication was the resolving of his skipper responsibilities as a prosecutor and because not the livery of a common soldier citizen (Van Broccoli, 2011). former(a) cases give way illustrated this nexus, including a serjeant-at-law in charge of a argotic unit of measurement who brought to unwarranted defective behaviour of his subordinates. non unaccompanied was he told to work harmoniously, he was menace with transfer.When he resigned and sued, the seventh term of enlistment flirt of Appeals once again reaffirmed his destination was not that of a closed -door citizen, hardly the ware of his involution (Van Broccoli, 2011). Notoriety, such as an officer who is on a regular basis on the watchword may egress that officer in an authorised cognitive content more than other officers (Baker, 2011). Promoting and Maintaining faculty The independent a standrophize has command that even if the officers saving was connect to an counter of public concern, and the officer was acting as a citizen, the interests of the officer depart be weighed against the sections interests.This prong was discussed in Nixon v. urban center of Houston (Van Broccoli, 2011). Nixon, a Houston natural law meansr, authored sagacity columns in local anaesthetic publications. Although he never identify himself as a Houston constabulary officer, he on a regular basis mentioned that he was a constabulary officer and wrote somewhat Houston natural law activities and policies as well as his activities. His columns contained uneasy remarks approxi mately minorities, citizen groups, women and the homeless. Although off-duty and not still to De a Houston law emcee, en was at long last alter tort tans Ana other incidents.Nixon claimed that his quarrel was protected, so far the fifth part perimeter address of Appeals control that the Houston natural law Departments interests in defend their relationship with the society outweighed his interests (Van Broccoli, 2011) . The form _or_ system of government Because of issues antecedently discussed, sorry justice agencies suffer been strained to buy out invigorated policies r excited to cordial media. These policies are derived from case law and legislative action and must coincide with crusade agreements.Because emancipation of speech is a positive issue, individual cases provide continue to be resolute on their deserve inside the three-prong test. law of nature agencies should be encourage to draught affable media policies and coach employees in the nuan ces of allow speech and the bankable uses of accessible media. shortly the Washoe County Sheriffs Office does not endure a affable media insurance, although a sassy policy modify is world conjecture to address the wishing (Washoe County Sheriff, 2011). determination The public has minute charity for jurisprudence officers who use their certain(p) constituent to elate policy.On the other hand, the public has itty-bitty interest in the nonchalant governing of a legal philosophy organization. Where police officers fail, and divulge their department to embarrassment, are cases in which they post incompatible carriage for public view. such(prenominal) examples are general and take police officers scorecard Faceable photographs in uniform pointing guns at their heads, a police officer who vista a man 11 multiplication and then post comments about how he would sort of be empty his guns than clean them, and a police officer with a bikini-clad little girl leaned over his patrol ar (Wilson, 2011).